Episode 21 – Player 2 Press Start

On the 21st episode of Video Game Realness, Delvin and Greg have a discussion about two-player games, and the games that they have enjoyed in the past. They go into a brief history evolution of co-op and competitive games and the introduction of online play and how it evolved multiplayer games.

The duo also discusses the news that broke out over Riot Games and their now overturned decision to not allow contracted players to stream a list of specific games. Will Greg and Delvin have an eSports throw down again? Tune in to find out!

All this, the Jane Austen MMO, VGX awards, Nintendo Shade, and more on Episode 21 of Video Game Realness.

Time Stamps:
01:40 – Jane Austen MMO
18:40 – Nintendo Shade
32:00 – VGX Awards
41:15 – Riot eSports discussion
53:25 – Two-Player Discussion

Break Music: Megaman X Spark Mandrill Theme Music

Show Notes:
-Jane Austen MMO

One thought on “Episode 21 – Player 2 Press Start”

  1. Don’t forget Secret of Mana made use of the SNES multitap as well!! XD

    Also, Space Channel 5 was basically one of the gayest games ever because you were a fabulous space reporter called Ulala who used the power of dance to defeat her opponents and everyone she saved (as part of her groovy report show) would dance behind her like a flash mob. Play part 2 now on PSN (and XBL?) and tell us what you think on the next show!!!

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