Episode 18 – PS4 and Things Because Reasons

After a one week hiatus, the boys are back to chat your ears off about PS4, Blizzcon and other news highlights.

Join Cameron, James, Michael and Delvin as they share what games of the week they’ve been playing as well. Michael gives us the T on his PS4 and shares his impressions on Killzone: Shadow Fall, Knack, Resogun and more.

Also, in this week’s episode we’re using our new microphone, so apologies for the sound levels this week (auto volume was turned on by accident). We will work it out in the coming weeks.

One thought on “Episode 18 – PS4 and Things Because Reasons”

  1. First and foremost, excellent podcast (as usual!); VGR always puts a smile on my face! Secondly, I was saddened that no one had ever played any of the Etrian Odyssey series! Although it isn’t in the forefront of DS games (and isn’t one of the wildly popular ones), it has certainly developed a bit of a cult following. I just recently discovered it myself and find it quite incredible; it’s a wonderful mixture of JRPG dungeon crawling and cartography…yes, I know – cartography? Yes, cartography. You draw your own maps of the labyrinths as you explore them which becomes vital to your survival as your progress. It’s all very addictive…and oddly soothing. So, I humbly suggest one of you’s goils check it out! I suggest starting with the latest game, Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl. It’s a complete reboot of the original game and it’s simply incredible, certainly worth looking into. 🙂

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