Episode 93 – E3 2017 (Part 1)

It’s E3 2017 and the VG Realness crew just couldn’t resist getting together for a mega episode that was so big we decided to split it into three episodes for your listening pleasure. Join Delvin, Cameron, Michael and James for some good old fashioned VGR!

Part 1:

  • Now Playing Catch up
  • E3 Expectations
  • Publisher Showdown Discussion: EA, Bethesda and UbiSoft

Show Notes:

One thought on “Episode 93 – E3 2017 (Part 1)”

  1. Woohoo! Just checked in an there’s not just one but three new episodes!
    I’m taking bets before I start.
    1. At least one of you hasn’t played anything since last episode.
    2. You’ve all been busy.
    3. I’m gonna get spoilered for Drag Race.

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